Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some people argue that emotional/psychological abuse is difficult to identify because parents have different ?

It is difficult to identify because it can be so subtle and insiduous. Most emotional abuse, like physical abuse, happens in private, both can result in scarring, but the difference here is that physical scars can be seen, emotional abuse scars the soul!

Different Parenting styles are all equally valid, as long as the persons basic human rights within a relationship aren't effected... whether that be a child/parent, spousal, sibling, or friend relationship.

Certain rights should be present in a relationship, the more of these rights that are being denied, the greater the abuse...

The right to live free from accusation and blame

The right to live free of criticism and judgments

The right to have your work and interests spoken of with respect

The right to expect encouragement

The right to live free from emotional and physical threats

The right to live free from angry outbursts and rage

The right to not be called by any name that devalues you

The right to receive good will

The right to receive emotional support

The right to be heard by your mate and responded to with courtesy

The right to have your own viewpoint, even if your mate has another viewpoint

The right to have your feelings and experiences acknowledged as real

The right to receive a sincere apology for jokes you find offensive

The right to be respectfully asked, not to be ordered

The right to clear and informative answers to questions that concern what is legitimately your business

If these rights are present then I do not see how a particular parenting style can be considered abusive....

Hope this helped

Bishy xSome people argue that emotional/psychological abuse is difficult to identify because parents have different ?
you didn't quite finish the sentence...

Parents have different what?

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