Maybe. You'd have to call and ask, because there are other logistics to consider. Most hotel reservations are made with a credit card. When you check in they ask for photo identification and a credit card that they take an imprint of. If your parents are paying, then it takes away the problem that you aren't old enough to enter into a contract, but not the credit card on file in case of extra incidentals problem.
In general, Canadian hotels aren't as strict as American hotels are on the age thing. Many US hotels are 21 and over. Not so in Canada. however, policy will vary, and depend on things like, Hotel is an American chain and policy is dictated from head office, the hotel has had problems with youth in the past, or the area has had problems with youth in the past.Can a 17 yeard old stay ina a hotel aslong as the parents make reservations?
Most hotels as long as it's booked with a credit card won't ask questions, extra's if not paid at checkout will just charge it to the credit card. If you're just coming in off the street with a pocket full of cash they probably won't let you rent a room.
Most hotels... depending on where they are.
Want a 25 yr+ adult in the room, even if they are 18 or the parents rent the room
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