Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do you think a parent should stay home with children when they under 12 months?

Is daycare bad when a child is very young? Some kids start daycare after only 6 weeks of life. Is this wrong? Does anyone know of a website or research on this subject? Or have a personal opinion?Do you think a parent should stay home with children when they under 12 months?
Yes, Personally I think a parent should be home with the children until they reach adulthood.Do you think a parent should stay home with children when they under 12 months?
If they can stay home, financially -and- if they want to, emotionally, then, sure, of course it would be best to have one-on-one attention from a loving parent, giving them more time to create a strong attachment/trust bond.

If that doesn't work for the baby's family, though, then carefully chosen, lovingly monitored daycare is just fine.

My mother did home daycare throughout my childhood. Those kids were all just like a part of our family, every day. In fact, it was because of this, that I was happy that my husband %26amp; I were able to work out split shifts so that we didn't have to choose %26amp; use daycare on a regular basis. I, selfishly, wanted to be the kids only 'family'. And, I wanted to make sure that *our* family values were the main ones imprinted on the kids. How would I ever find a daycare that looks at life the same way we do, that would raise the kids in the way that we wanted to raise them? I can't even imagine finding just the right fit!

We wanted raising the kids to be a DIY project :D We're lucky we were able to do it.
I'm a mother of 2 and nanny of 5. I worked until my oldest son was 5 months old. I was lucky that my mother-in-law was the one watching my son during the day. But after a few months of being back at work, I couldn't take it anymore. I gave up dinners out and new clothes to stay with my son. I know that not all parents can afford to do that though. I was one of the lucky ones.

I don't think daycare hurts a child. I think it can be good in many ways. The child gets social interaction with their peers. They also usually get the benefit of a preschool type education later on. Having a child in daycare does not interrupt the normal bonding process between parents and their child.

For me I could see the benefits of daycare but I didn't want to miss anything. That is why I opted to stay home. Being there for my child's first steps, first words, and actually being able to change every diaper and wipe every runny nose was priceless.

But as a nanny, I have been involved in the lives of 5 other children. I can honestly say, without hesitation, I love each of them as my own. Each of these children are very close with their parents and are excited at the end of the day to see Mommy and Daddy. They know I love them and take care of them, but they know who their parents are.
My own personal opinion is that if the parents are financially stable enough to stay home then it is good for babies to be cared for at home. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with daycare if a parent must go back to work. You have to make the best decision for your own individual situation.
Yes i think they sould it could harm them if there is no parent home at that age
Daycare would not have been acceptable for my children when they were infants. I don't care how wonderful the daycare facility was - it just wouldn't have been good enough for me to send my infant children to.

(I stayed home for the first year or so, then my husband stayed home after I went back to work. Sometimes he worked part time here and there for extra money, and my mother-in-law would watch them at those times.)

My kids are ages 4 and 3 now. If we needed to, I wouldn't have a problem sending them to daycare now. A good daycare would be more like preschool, and they'd have fun learning and playing with the other kids. (My oldest actually does go to preschool a few afternoons a week, but otherwise they still stay home w/my husband.)

I know some people have no choice but to put their infants in daycare, but I was willing to do pretty much anything to avoid it. I just don't think an infant gets the attention and affection in daycare that they would at home.
Sure ya'!
yes, it's very much essential...
Well, from my experience with my own daughter and seeing other children, I would SAY STAY HOME. I dont understand why people have children if they are not going to take care of them, I understand they are certain cases when you can not do that, but if you can stay home with your child. First off it limits the contact that your child will have with other sick children. You do not know what is going on all times when you child is away. Plus you pay way more for child care then some people even make from working. One thing I have noticed is that child who are in daycare or very clingy to their parents cause they are always thinking that they are going to leave them, but my daughter is so outgoing because she is secure with her home life. Plus childrens personalities are set when they reach the age of 3 so do you want your children to have your standards and personalities or that of someone else you do not know. If you can stay home with your child then PLEASE STAY HOME.
for me yes is bad when they are not 2year old , my baby is 8month old i work sometime and stay at home all the time i want to be there for her all the time .
My daughter was in daycare from the time she was 2 and a half weeks old as I had to return to work at that time and she continued going to daycare until she was 18 months old and hten after that I was finally able to be a stay at home mom. I would definitely not reccommend it. We had an excellent daycare provider whom we trusted completely, but they can never love your baby and give them the quality of care and one on one attention that is so important to them like their mommy or daddy can. We gained nothing by putting our daugher into daycare - she was constantly sick because she caught everything that every other kid there had, and we missed all of her firsts and she was really slow to start talking and communicating because she wasn't receiving the one on one attention. There are no real bennefits to daycare that I have seen as a parent who has had their child in daycare. Home is best for a baby, and thankfully now I am able to stay home and be my kids primary caregiver. Taking her out of daycare has done my daughter a world of good.
Yes, it's very wrong. U don't want someone else who not the parent teaching your child how to do things for the first time. Children need to know their parents. Especially mom. U need to spend as much time with your child(ren) as possible because the years will start flying by %26amp; with u putting them in daycare early, u'll miss all the 1st of everything. 1st time crawling, 1st time picking up a crayon %26amp; drawing a line on paper, 1st time pulling up on stuff to try %26amp; walk, all these things are moments u will never get back. Cherish them while u can. And the people at the daycare don't take the time to snap photos for u. So that memory is just lost.
Its the mothers decision...Even though being at home and taking care of the baby is very important, sometimes, in case of a well qualified, well postioned women it means her professional life comes to a standstill....Dont make women feel bad that they have gone back to work immediately...
it's probably not ideal... but you might not have any choice, i don't think it would have a detrimental affect on their life, after all they won't even remember it, so if needs must ...
Not so Crazy! If a mom can stay home with her child it is the best solution almost every time. I think mom and child both have a hard time when separated like this. Plus, new moms are fatigued lots of the time and find life easier when they can nap when baby naps.

Let me suggest you check out a few of the websites I will mention. They are devoted to saving money and getting out of debt and how to live well on less money. BOY do I wish I'd known about these when my children were small (they're grown now)!!! When you learn how to get and stay out of debt it may become possible for you to stay home and do better with your family money.

I'm rooting for you. Motherhood is the toughest job you will ever LOVE!!!





There are many WONDERFUL websites that will educate, encourage, enlighten you about money and how to keep more of yours in your pocket! We live in a country that is living crazily about money and things. If you could learn early what I missed, it could seriously change your life and give you back the luxury of CHOICE! All the best to you, Dear!!!


PS I've saved hundreds of dollars already by following tips/practices taught from these websites. Its not theory; it is practical! =)
My personal opinion is that if you can you afford to stay home you should! Its is so benifical to childrenof all ages! My Mom was a stay at home mom and I was one of the only kids in my class that if I got sick my Mom could actually come and get me instead of sitting in the nurses office all day throwing up and just little things I have a way closer relationship with my mom then my friends that didn't have stay at home moms as mothers! I stay at home with my son Landen he is 14 months and it has been the best thing ever its such a blessing and something I really enjoy doing!
absolutely u need to stay with ur children atleast for 12 months . because the baby needs ur care n concern the new born should be handled with a great care.No one can replace the place of their parents at tht time .. my sincere request is to stay with thm il promise . u will hv a great time with them . An experience which cannot be experienced ofenly
It all depends on the daycare center . . . they are rated you know . . . My youngest went to one . . . he had pureed baby food, was only put in a crib when he slept, and the staff was very thorough on giving me written daily reports each afternoon when I picked him up. They even had certain things they worked on for his developmental age and abiliites . . . ex. holding his own bottle. I also got a report on this each week. He adapted well, and adapted well socially. It helped us to be away from each other, and improved the quality of our together time. I think it is up to each individual mother on what she wants to do . . .
i never have anyone watch my kids but me,dad or close friends.
It depends on the parent and what i think is that you should realy try to but if you work a job that takes you away from your childeren then it is ok
I am a nanny for my family and all my cousins, nieces, nephews have come to me at 6 weeks or early. and it is not wrong at all! Plus it was great that all the cousins were able to grow up together. The little babies love watching the older kids and love the interaction with them
its best if the parent is thr with the child at a young age. daycare can be good for the child and bad for the child. the child would get used to other people having it.
If at all possible I would stay home with the child until he/she is able to go to preschool. My husband is forcing me to get a part-time job-and we don't Need the $ I think he's just a lil too greedy, but my 2nd daughter just turned 9 months. I will have to commit 2 a sitter or daycare by next week. Her dr told me this is the worst time because babies reach the peak of their seperation anxiety at 9 months %26amp; usually lasts til 12 months. I feel like a horrible mom, I don't want to leave her. Stay at home as long as possible.
It doesn't matter whether it is the father or the mother that stay at home with the child, it is the best choice. However, if circumstances are such that staying at home isn't a choice, its better to find a family member or close friend to take care of the child. I worked in a daycare center for a while and although they aren't the worst places in the world, a young child will NOT get the individual one-on-one they get at home. At a very young age I feel that is crucial for their personal development.
i worked in a daycare and probably wouldnt put my children in day care until maybe 2 or 3 if i had to. while i loved the children i watched, some other people are not so nice. i wont leave my children with anyone until they are old enough to talk and tell me whats going on, just in case. daycare can be great...it teaches great socialization skills that kids cant get from just hanging out with mom but if you are able to stay at home for a bit its a great chance for some bonding! we had some babies that were there from open to close at the center and its sad but it got to the point where they would favor caregivers over parents. you gotta do what works for you and if you have no choice but to put your child in daycare i think its important to set aside time for you and your little one.
I loved day care as a child, and it did me no harm. I have two kids and the only reason I don't have them in daycare so I can go to work is that we can't afford it. If I was to work part time. what I earned in wages would pay for the day care only. But that being said. If you have the time and money to be able to stay with your child for the first 12 months then the ';child experts'; recommend this to be the right time to start introducing them to child care. Mainly because with you at home they get one on one time, in day care there is one teacher/child worker per 5 kids I think. So the ratio for one on one time is higher than just being at home with you, and even if you have more than one kid, they benefit from this also.

If you have or want to use day care then do so, you child wont suffer, but make sure that every minute you spend with your child out of day care is you and the family, to help reaffirm the family bond. Babies like attention and need cuddles, and sadly in day care there may not be enough time for all this attention as there can be a few babies in there too.

It is one of those questions that you need to think about it logically yourself and weigh up pros and cons of child care and working. Do what you have to, but kids need quality care!!!
I have worked at a daycare before and I think it's better when the kids are a little older, but I don't judge anyone. It's great if you can afford to stay home with your baby but some people can't afford it in today world.
It's more due leaving strangers taking care of kids.

In some cases, leaving a child alone might better than leaving the child in a daycare.

Nevertheless, regulary leaving a child to a sitter might give impression that you're releasing your responsibility as his/her parent. The child might grow up not being your child, but as someone else's.
I personally think a mom should stay home until the child is in school. That is impossible in some situations though. Whatever works for your family is the right thing.
It is hard to send your baby away to strangers when they are young, and in a perfect world someone would be able to always stay home. Unfortunately, most people need the two incomes to stay afloat.

I personally would not send my kids that young unless I had no choice. But as a daycare provider for the past 7 years I can tell you it's not a horrible choice. Most daycares are really good, the people in the baby room generally love the children. Even in home providers like myself really love the kids (of course there are bad ones out there) and give them a lot of love and attention.
I am a new mommy, my son was born 11-10-07 and it is crazy to think that I would leave him, just when I am getting to know him and his personality and his routine. I would have a really hard time letting him spend most of his day with strangers who have more than one child. I just don't know if I could trust the amount of attention that would be personalized to him, and wouldn't expect it when the day care is geared to care for more than one child and to give a generalized and uniform service to all the children in their care. I also remember a little of my day care as a child and really don't have any fond memories or profound discoveries made while I was there. So, No, I am not gonna have a daycare service for my son, not before he is one or maybe even two, if finances stay sustainable for all of us until that time I need to go back to work.

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