Monday, May 10, 2010

How do I Tell My Parents I Want To Join The Military?

I'm a high school junior and i don't have any idea how to break the news to my parents because i'm afraid they won't accept it.How do I Tell My Parents I Want To Join The Military?
Buy a wheelchair first and give it to your family.How do I Tell My Parents I Want To Join The Military?
If you are afraid they won't accept the news of you thinking about joining the military, how do you think they will take the news if something happens? The people of this world do the military thing wrong. All politicans should serve in the military on the front line. Not before,but all the time they are politicans. What if they had a war and nobody came ?
Start with patriotism, go on to talk about leadership skill building, end with ';Free College Education';. Make your speech about 4-7 minutes in length, and practice and re-write it several times before you break the news to them. Then make sure you have the speech on paper or note cards when you are telling them (you'll be nervous and will forget what you want to say). After all that, how can they be against your decision to serve your country?

Your recruiter may have some tips and hints also. He/she deals with that all the time.
You should really think about it! Being in the military is something very serious and you have to obey by what they go! Also, think about being away from your family for years and seeing them a couple of times through those 4 years! Its very hard being away from family, but its also part of life!!! If you know that's something you really want let them know your plans and I'm sure they'll be proud of you later!!!
depends on what branch you want to go into. airforce dont really see combat. they are in tent cities few miles from the line. marines go first. then army. Actually lots of reserves go first. if you go airforce tell them you wont see combat. if you want army or marines tell them your reasons for doing it/ what are your reasons? do you want combat or just the college fund? hope you do well and get what your looking for.
Don't do it. Seriously. I know you want to ';Fight for your country'; but seriously. Think about this; Is it worth it? Really. Give it a lot of thought. If the answer is really yes, then you'll know exactly how to tell them.
Wait until your 18, then they won't have a say in the matter... but if your in a hurry, then ask them, they do have to sign the papers anyway.
You tell them ';mom, Dad, i have to tell you something. I want to join the military. I've already made up my mind and i just wanted you to know what i'm planning to do';
Say ';mum dad i wanna serve the country in the military if you dont leik it **** off'; doesnt matter if they dont except it if they dont leik ur choices there nawt gd parents r they
Just say '; I want to join the military';. Let them absorb and digest this for a while. Don't get defensive if they react poorly at first. Give them time, and they will come around.
';mom and dad, i love u guys so much that i wanna join the military and protect u guys from all danger..';

this is what u do. '; i want to join the military.'; the end.
Don't Join
well you're right - if they have any sense they won't accept it.

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