Sunday, January 17, 2010

How To Tell Overprotective Parents You Are Dating An 18 Year Old Guy?

I am 14 almost 15, and I have been dating an 18 year old for a month. And I have put myself in postitions (smartly) that he could have harmed me, however he never has and never will. I trust him with my life and he doesn't do anything without my permission. Since it has been a month and his parents are worried about lawsuits, I must tell my overprotective parents about him. How do I tell them?How To Tell Overprotective Parents You Are Dating An 18 Year Old Guy?
Honey, you've dated him for ONLY a month and you trust him w/ your life? You should be very very careful. The fact that nothing ';bad'; has happened yet doesn't guarantee you anything - you barely know the guy! Second, 3 or 4 years is not a big age gap when you're both adults, but in your case it may be smarter to try and date someone your age. If you really like the guy though I think you should get him to meet your parents, at least as a friend, if he's a decent, genuine guy, he'll agree and you won't have to hide from them. And know that even if you have consensual sex , it's still statutory rape, so again, think very hard whether you really want this relationship. Wish you all the best!

ADDED: I believe the best way to tell your parents is to talk to your mom first - she'll probably understand you better since a lot of girls your age have crushes on older /grown up guys. Just don't make a big deal out of it, introduce it more as friendship, otherwise your mom may not be very receptive and you may not even get the chance to invite the guy over. If this works, you'll be able to gradually explain yourself w/out them jumping to conclusions. Once they meet him and approve of him, it'll get easier. But make sure you're honest w/ your parents, they really do want the best for you!How To Tell Overprotective Parents You Are Dating An 18 Year Old Guy?
Even if he doesn't do anything without your permission he can get into trouble. He can be charged with aiding in the delinquency of a minor, and even if you did consent to having sex he could still be charged with statutory rape, because you are under 17. There is no reason an adult of 18 should even be dating a child of 14. It would make me wonder about his mental capacity that's for sure...
you see the things you said about him? about how you trust him with yur life? Try bringing him home and sitting down with your parents and straight forward about how you feel about him and WHY it is you feel that way. and have him tell your parents how he feels about you and why..Dont beat around the bush about anything....just lay it all out...basicly say : Ok this is what is going on...this is how long...this is how i feel and i needed to tell you beacuse you are my parents and you deserve to is why i like him and why he likes me...then say how you understand their concers but you have to make mistakes and learn things on your own...

hope it helps
First of all an 18 year old has NO business with a little girl like you. I don't mean any disrespect but it is the honest to God truth. I find it insane that you ';trust'; this guy with your life and you have only known him for a month. You should tell your parents so they can put a stop to this. I am saying this because I am a parent and I would flip out if you were my child.
if you love him why would you put him at risk of getting arrested and/or ruining his life?

you stated you trust him with your life, but when it comes to going to court, to you think the judge will listen to you? no, why? because you are underaged that why?

Its either you tell your parents or cut all ties with this guy
parents know wuts best for u, i cant understand why teenagers try and go against them. it will end badly if ur parents dont approve, they know everything. so stop being stupid and tell them already and wutever they decide to do is for the best. u'll just end up a pregnant loser if they allow this.
do not take this the wrong way but at 14 years old you should be dating 14 year old boys not a man.

your parents arnt being overprotective, that seems pretty reasonable to me...

overprotective is if they didnt like you dating other 14 year olds or even 16 year old guys.
Hey dear..

as you are just 15 (too young) and also boy's parents also knows about you too. So , better if you asks to his parents to reach to your parents and tell about all this.
Just tell them that you really like him, and he's a really good guy, and if they freak, that's normal, just tell them your not going to stop seeing him no matter what.
Unless you get caught having sex you're fine and he's 18 it's not like he's 28. You can tell your parents that he is 17 if you don't feel uncomfortable with a tiny lie.
an eighteen year old boy should not be dating a girl your age. i'm sorry but there is something very wrong with this relationship. please date boys closer to your age. this could be dangerous.
Your boyfriend is a pedophile, why don't you find a guy closer to your age.
This is really creepy. If your parents are any good at parenting they will freak out.

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