Thursday, January 21, 2010

What do you if your a believer in Christ and your parents are Jewish?

I am a believer in Christ Jesus. I believe he died for our sins. But sometimes its hard for me when my parents say I'm abandoning their heritage. Anyways, they say that if I believe in creationism that I'm a fundamentalist. Its hard for me. What do I do, I get in doubt soo much. So please give me suggestions. I'll add more detail later.What do you if your a believer in Christ and your parents are Jewish?
It is also the Jesus' heritage. Stop doubting and have faith. He will put you right where he wants you. PRAY! =)What do you if your a believer in Christ and your parents are Jewish?
Cindy has given you the best advice to determine if you sincerely wish to abandon your heritage to become a Christian.

If that is your calling and path, please also do not disrespect your parents and the people you've left by joining a deceptive group that hijacks Jewish identity. Take enough pride in your chosen faith to identify yourself as a member of it, rather than to claim that NT is a form of Judaism. It isn't and never will be.

Shalom and good luck whatever your decision
You have to deal with the fact that you've converted to another religion -- left Judaism %26amp; that is what your parents practice.

You have no different a problem than anyone else who converts.

If you believe evolution is hoky nothingness, science is useless, %26amp; everything was created in 6 days by God -- you are a fundamentalist by everyone's standards. Usually fundamentalists aren't upset with that label, they like who they are.

If you get in doubt, you may want to re-look at your beliefs. Talk to your parents. If you are young, you may be missing some cruxical info on Judaism that will make you move one way or the other very definitively. These sites are good, but I would talk with your parents %26amp; seek couselling if you are still having trouble. Do remember to honor your mom %26amp; dad in how you deal with them :). (the page with audios is good %26amp; will help you understand what's bugging your parents.) (not very PC written, but lots of scripture explanations.)

Good luck.



Your wife is a Christian. She is apostate to Judaism %26amp; no longer counted as a Jewish in the community.

To the asker

';Jewish Christian'; groups are generaly liars. They literally changed their names from Hebrew Christains to Messanic ';Jews'; to make it easier to trick Jews into converting. If you are going to be a Christian, stick with something less manipulative. Occasionally one of those groups is clear they are Christains, since they follow Christian theology, %26amp; then they are being decent %26amp; honest.


Promising to marry Jewish after converting to Christianity will bug his parents even more. Judaism is religion %26amp; you can't marry to keep the heritage, after choosing to leave the religion. Good try, but that's not a good understanding of how Judaism works.


Thanks for the catch. Here's the annoying thing - I was thinking ';better get this right'; while typing! Grrr. Your email is closed (I wanted to contact you)?
you shouldn't feel pressured to abandon your beliefs to fit into that of your family's, but i understand how you could feel that way. there has to be a reason why you're saved; share it with your parents! Jews believe the Messiah is coming, Christians know He already came.

expose them to the Truth; religion is a lot about culture, but more important than that, it's the beliefs of your heart that matter.
Explore your doubts. Go to their depth. Are you faced with a decision that you can put off? Wait till you must take an action to determine what you believe. In the meantime explore your doubts. You will become stronger.

Make your choice on your own. To not bend to the wishes of your parent nor rebel against the wishes of your parents. Respect them and love them.

Perhaps a compromise is in order. Can you promise your parents that you will marry Jewish and raise your children Jewish. That addresses the abandonment of your heritage that your parents lament.

Study the faith that you were raised in. Know what you are rejecting. What you seek in Christianity may already be in Judaism. Look at the different varieties of modern Judaism. Perhaps one is more satisfying to you.

Read about the relationship between Jews and Christian. Because you understand both sides, you may be able to become a bridge that will heal wounds and breed peace and understanding. To do this read,

Bart Ehrman's Lost Christianities, which shows how Jewish Christians became separated from the synagogue. Read also the 1965 proclamation of the Catholic Church that acknowledged the debt that Christianity owes to Judaism. The Catholic Church affirms and encourages all Christians to affirm that God's promises to the Jews will be honored by God and that the Jews are a holy people.
answer: Your beliefs make you an apostate. Parents aren't going to be happy about that. Live with it. Strive to honor them but understand you are abandoning your eternal covenant with G-d for a different covenant and are rejecting the long history and beautiful religion of Judaism.

Christianity is a wonderful religion but very different from Judaism and incompatible. You are a Christian who probably wasn't taught very much about Judaism.
You ARE abandoning your heritage, aren't you? They're telling you the facts: Christianity is in fact incompatible with Judaism. If that bothers you, then you need to think seriously about what you're doing. If it doesn't bother you, then do what you wish, but don't try to pretend that you're not turning your back on Judaism, because you are.
If you are confused I would focus on the commonalities alone and not identify yourself as one religion or the other for a while. Both faiths originate back in the days of the Old Testament (Adam and Eve, etc) - so that is a common trait....both believe in G-d, both hold true to the basic tenants of the 10 commandments. Don't complicate your life. Love G-d and go from there. Everything else on this planet, in this world has the ability to expire, deteriorate and fade. The only thing that is forever sustaining is G-d...what more is there?
Short answer, don't expect unbelievers to agree with your faith and don't put yourself in position to hear their unbelief. Get away from that which confuses and get alone with God, in the secret place -Worship !

In time in Him you will mature in this and your confidence in Him and His Glory upon YOU will make them back off . pray for boldness .

Peter said, 1st peter 4; 14, If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the Spirit of Glory and of God rests upon you: on their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified. check out verse 13 it's good too !

Forgive me for referring to your parents as unbelievers but unbelief is unbelief

You don't have to say anything until your ready to speak, so be gentle and patient, and above all LOVE and honor them.

God Bless YOU and your Parents

Have Jesus Filled Lives
To Forsake All...

';If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple ... So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.'; (Luke 14:26-27, 33
Why would God, the Almighty send someone to die for everyone else when he created us all?

Why does God need a son? Does he need a Daughter?

How can God have son, when he doesn't have sex?

The human sacrifice of Jesus sounds more like something Satan would like.

I DON'T want anyone dying for my sins. I am a man and I will answer to God for my mistakes.

However, Jesus was in fact a real man, but only a man and a prophet of God who did perform miracles to the Jewish people.

I suggest you do some research and learn about your religion and decision.

For the Lord thy God is One. Worship him ALONE.

May the peace and blessings of God be with you.
Every person must choose for themselves what is best for them. Personally I think that Jesus Christ is the best person to follow so I think that you are doing the right in following him. Don't let others influence you. Even your own parents. Every man and woman must choose for themselves to either follow Christ or not.
Have you ever thought of praying to your new found savior Jesus Christ to help you. People in R%26amp;S cannot help you my friend. Pray to your Jesus and give him some time to respond to you - say like 2000 years or so (because he has promised to come back since then and he is still MIA).

Now if that does not work then pray to the Almighty one - the one and only God and He will surely answer your prayers,

I agree with your parents. If you believe in creationism then you're a fundamentalist. Why if your parents are Jewish do you feel the need to get wrapped up in Christian fundamentalism? Is it just that most of your friends were and you wanted to fit in?
I would choose not to discuss it with them. But you might recall that Jesus was an orthodox Jew, and he taught Judaism in the synagogue, he taught the scriptures.

He is the promised messiah, what does the scripture say about believing on the Jewish messiah?
I'm a Jew and my parents are Chrisitans (by title only).

They don't hassle me because I don't go rubbing my denial of Christ in their faces. They don't push Jeezy, either and are hardly observant of their faith to begin with.
First of all you should go here:…

Read that entire page. Then go to the top menus and read everything there.

Then go here:…

If, after educating yourself you still feel you belong in Christianity, it may be that you do not have a Jewish soul, and you are merely returning to where you belong with the non-Jews. In that case, you're just going home.

But DO educate yourself first before you come to any conclusions.

EDIT: CHER did you mean to put the Jews for JESUS link? I think you meant Jews for Judaism link instead?
Luke 12:49-53

Jesus talks about how he did not come to bring peace but division. Meaning that as people beliefs change, there would be division amongst their friends and family.

just keep at it...and pray for help from God. It may be a difficult road ahead but you will be blessed.
Jews for Jesus are like Democrat's for Nixon... they are christians, like democrats for Nixon were Republicans.
Is this a follow-on to your question, ';Good conversation starters at the dinner table?';

It's a very good starter for trolls.

Do you really want to be in a religion which says your own mum and dad are going to ';hell'; just cause they don't believe in christianity!??

melanie- no they don't! Jesus doesn't even feature at all in judaism!
Believe in what you feel is right. I'm Jewish but my views are not the same as my parents.
i dont understand how you could go from jew to christian...

one insane desert cult to an even crazier desert cult?

what the hell happened
Why do you ';believe'; some man ';died'; for your ';sins';? What does that really give you? A ';good feeling';? God can not love you without death? Death of someone, who no one can show you actually lived, and ';supposedly 2000 years ago'; and you must take it on ';faith';? ';Faith through works and signs of miracles';, rather than through real grace that doesn't need any ';temptatious bait';, ';hokem, or razzle %26amp; dazzle';. How does ';god'; die??? What is the point of it ? God is like a man, sorta? That is not ';faith'; that is disbelief. That is saying God is created in our image, instead of we in God's image, and we can only see God if we bring him down to our level and have God ';act';, yes act, like a man. And what do we do now, what works do we now require, forgetting the Words of God in your bible that is your parent's bible? Do we drink blood %26amp; against God's loving word and ';spit in God's face';? Yes, because blood is a symol of a man, not of God, and we worship man. And we eat the flesh of man, not of our sacrifice as a gift to the loving father, but to get the ';man-god'; inside us, because flesh is a symbol of the creature, not the creator, because it is man as god, which is ourself, that we worship. And we no longer can get to God directly, but through our surrogate, our slave, our lacky and by rehearsing this play (let his blood be upon you). And we raise him up to our empty sky as a lifeless sacrifice and a pagan offering to the sun-god, cloud god, as if that pleases the ';father';.

There are some that say, when it is appropriate, at other times they say the reverse, it is good that there is division and let war reign within the family (and there is much division in between brother and sister churches. And there are many persecuted unto death). Because if you are heartless, you shall have victory over them. You shall lord it over them and bring them to you level. Some go half-way around the world just to make one convert, and they are twice the devil. The church has long been like Saul hounding David, the Jew, for they have the ';glory of god'; and have been blessed with success, and they have hunted their brother down unto death, because death is showing ';love';. And it does bring peace. I'm Christian, and I hope to shock (I never done those bad things. I'm nice, some of the people I know are nice most of the time), because this is your new heritage. You have a new heritage, a new history, a new text, and a new God. Study it (along with Torah). I was born into this heritage, but I didn't rebel I just saw. I didn't choose it, nor would I. Let's trade places, because Jesus doesn't offer anything of value to me; nothing that I can't get directly from God.

Study. Pray. I like prayer, but some say ';pray in secret';, (internalized, like the world, like self-hypnosis) as if God could not operate on you in the light of day. As if faith is a fortress you need to build up and reinforce, because a word of doubt can destroy your fragile soul and can bring down God, as if reality is something ungodly, despite God ';called it good'; and he so loved the world.
I'll give you the modern example of what another Jew did, who is now a worldwide healing Evangelist and pastor. He was saved first, and his family gave him hell about Jesus. He kept seeking the Lord, and now his family is not only saved, most of them are involved in ministry. Check out Acts 16:30-31, there is a promise for you and your family. Don't let their tradition keep you from your heritage in Christ. They will thank you later for praying for them.
What do I do? Eat kosher and continue to embrace all of the cultural aspects which you can (when they do not conflict with your beliefs.)

Of course, many Jews believe in Biblical Creation -- whether they call themselves creationists or not.

I assume you've checked out the online resources of various ';Jewish Christian'; organizations. I assume some of them operate member forums where such topics are discussed. I would bet that you can find a lot of first-hand experience in such forums -- and empathetic ears.

Shalom and May God Bless your efforts to do right by HONORING YOUR PARENTS just as you are trying do in your questions. should take great blessing that you are of the ';blood line of Judah... (thank God [YHVH] for your heritage and your parents)... Know too what the Scripture says...Romans, chapter 11 vs. 25 thru 27....

Lovingly explain to them that...';you follow the teachings of a young Hebrew Carpenter who specializes in 'home' improvement';...
Believe Jesus and don't be swayed by the opinions of anyone else, no matter who they are.

My wife is also a Jewish believer in Jesus :D
just ignore them. if they dont stop, say we are both worshiping the same god. because jews do also worship jesus christ.

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