Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is one of the first freedoms you remember receiving from your parents as a child?

Or, what is one of the first your child received?

I remember when I was finally allowed to choose my own clothes. I was probably 7 or 8 years old.What is one of the first freedoms you remember receiving from your parents as a child?
I could stay out as late as I wanted to riding my bike where ever I wanted to.

As long as I was home by the time the Street Lights came on.

Or within a few minutes thereafter.

I was 8 years old.

At that time they gave me my own key to the front door, a key I took with me to Vietnam and back.

I was 31 years old when they sold that house and I still had the same key to the front door the whole time.What is one of the first freedoms you remember receiving from your parents as a child?
doing my own laundry; I insisted on it for ages. When I cound finally sort of reach the controls my parents let me. I must have been 6 or so.

Wait--I think there was an earlier one. I was able to goto sleep whenever I wanted, I just had to be in my room by the time my parents went to bed. I think this started at about age 4 or 5.

My dad's always been the type to try and impose the least amount of rules as possible because he realized I wouldn't be under his parental control forever. He figured letting me make as many decisions as possible, and then learning from the consequences (like being really tired the next day) would be a better teacher than him saying ';thou shalt be in bed by 8.';
One of the first freedoms we gave my son was the invention of the ';One Finger Rule';. Basically, we knew that he'd be tempted to try to touch things that might be dangerous or fragile or whatever; so we minimized the risk by saying yes, you can touch, as long as you only use one finger rather than trying to flat-out grab the thing.

It worked out surprisingly well, and we never had a real problem with my son trying to take or wreck things that didn't belong to him...I'll never forget the time I took him to a model train exhibit during Anchorage's annual Fur Rendezvous event. I took him to see the trains almost every single day, and he was probably the best behaved kid there, at the tender age of 2 1/2. Sure, he got so close while looking that the trains would've hit him if they had another coat of paint on them; but he never ONCE tried to reach out or pick up one of the trains as they went by...
I remember when I was 6 I was allowed to stay up and read in my room for a while, hence a later bedtime. I guess maybe that isn't much of a freedom but it was the biggest thing to me.

I just don't remember anything else until I was 12 and allowed to wear blush, powder, and lip gloss.
My first freedom was to be allowed to put my clothes on without Mom fixing them, age 11. I think she realized it was weird to tug on my clothes when I had a period.

She still picked them out till that age too.

My first freedom at school was to choose what I would do instead of the regular classwork coz she didn't have enough for me, age 8. It felt great.
When I was 11 I got my own key to the house because my primary school was only a 4 minute walk away.

On the second day of being allowed to go home alone I went to my friend's house for half an hour instead... so my mother freaked out and sent the police and a massive search party to look for me.

It was so embarrassing, I got a huge lecture by a police man and she even invited my teacher to the house.

I don't remember like all of a sudden one day being able to dress myself or something like that...I had a lot of siblings, and I think it just happened. Like, you want to be dressed for the day, no one is going to do it for you so I guess you better just do it!

I do remember being able to stay out with friends until 10pm in 8th grade! LOL how funny...
err...i was allowed to go to school alone. 10-11

A: That EXACT same thing happened to me lol...instead of going home one day, i just went to a friends, what was i thinking?
I had to move out before I had any freedoms. I had a really strict smothering Father and my mother went along with him.
After begging and pleading with my parents, I got a pair of ''MC Hammer pants'' when I was when I was about 10.

That's embarrassing...
I suppose it was a freedom. I had to start preparing my own food in first grade. And thus was born... the Waffle Captain.
The freedom to get my own milk out of the refridgerator!
at age 10,my first choosing toy ninja turtle.. by by.. got to go now..
I could ride my bike on the street.


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