Friday, January 15, 2010

What rights to deported parents have to their children?

Say a father is deported. Said father is divorced from the mother of the children, and has very limited rights (as ruled by the court) to the children already.

Does U.S. law allow for the deported parent to take the [U.S. Citizen] parent back to court to gain visitation of the children-- in his native country?

Do they have any say in the parenting (in a legal aspect) to the children at all?

Because a parent is deported, do they lose all rights to contact their children?What rights to deported parents have to their children?
They have none. Illegal immigrants aren't protected by the constitution.What rights to deported parents have to their children?
Does not matter....If an illegal gets caught, he should be deported. If his kid is an American, the illegal has a choice...

Take the kid with him so the family is not broken up, or put the kid up for adoption so an American family can adopt him.

If both the parents are illegal..same thing...deport them both..they can take the kid or put it up for adoption...
He has no rights of any kind. He can file all the court challenges he likes from his country and they mean nothing. Foreign courts have no jurisdiction in the United States.
I would guess they have the right to take them back to wherever the parents came from.They can re-enter the USA when they turn 18.
it doesn't sound good for said parent, given the facts and circumstances, but you will have to establish them. The court cares what is best for the child, not whether the parent is deported. Child kidnapping across country lines is well known however, and this guy sounds like a real winner. The court decree sets out their rights, typically.

You should speak to a family law attorney though.
The deported father will just have to wait until he`s legal to do anything. I think there could still be contact by letters,E-mail or phone calls until the father straightens it out.
How did he get deported?

I have to assume that you broke a very serious law in order to be deported. Lots of illegals here break laws and don't even get deported like they should.

I'm (not) sorry to say, the father should not have broken the law that he did in order to be deported, because if that causes a rift between him and his children, too bad.

Deported aliens have very privileges provided by our government, as it should be.

Being deported results in a loss of many rights and protections afforded to legal guests and residents. That is just what happens when you break the law so badly that we have to kick you out.

You wouldn't expect to have much say in what happens in your neighbors house if they kick you out and have a restraining order, would you?
Sounds like a terrible father to me. It is best to stay away from the child.

Monkey see , monkey do!

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