Saturday, January 23, 2010

How can I find out my social security number if my parents don't know it and the card is misplaced?

My parents forgot it and the card is misplaced. I need my ssn to apply for a class. Can I call the social security office ?How can I find out my social security number if my parents don't know it and the card is misplaced?
Yeah, or ask if they have a copy of their tax return, because they had to put your SSN on the 1040 form to be able to claim you as a dependent.How can I find out my social security number if my parents don't know it and the card is misplaced?
You can get the SSN from your parents last tax form since they had to have it to put you on as a dependent. Then, taking that as well as a photo ID and your birth certificate, you can go to your local SS Office and have a new one mailed to you, plus they'll give you a paper that shows you ordered a new card, which will include the number. In the meantime, use the number from the tax form for your class forms, but the college will most likely want to actually see the ss card so you will still need the card that you'll get from the SS office shortly thereafter.

If for some reason your parents don't HAVE your number on a tax form, you can still take a photo ID and your BC to your local SS office and the above will still happen.
Sounds strange to me. Your parents have to put your number on their tax returns so how can they not know it? Something doesn't add up in this situation. Are you sure you even have a number?

Anyway,you can contact the SS office,they will tell you what ID's are required to get a new card.

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