Consistency is always a key to good discipline. Whether or not hot suace will work is really dependent upon the child's tolerance for the spices - my 3 year old son LOVES spicy food, so it would never work for him. Likewise, he has a high pain tolerance, so spanking doesn't work either, while a time out works wonders. My nieces and nehpew are quite different in what works and what doesn't.
My real concern on using the hot sauce wouldn't be cruelty (after all, it's just hot sauce), but how the use of it would affect their overall eating habits - IE, if hot sauce is used as punishment, you're likely to get a child that will simply refuse to eat anything spicy for the rest of their life.
To everyone saying using Hot Sauce is cruel and torture: It's just food, unless they're using one of the super hot varieties. I ask you, how is it worse than my Mom forcing me to eat all my peas, despite the fact I've _always_ hated how slimy they are?How do you as parents feel about using hot sauce as a disciplinary measure?
It borders on child abuse in my opinion
I think that is the most awful way to discipline a child, what's wrong with them... Thank God they weren't my parents!!! I think they need to get parenting help and fast!
Oh come on everybody, it's not so bad. Of course, the amount and frequency and the ageof the child must be taken into consideration but a drop of sauce as a last resort is ok. I can't really agree with the rest of this person's parenting, but I would use tabasco sauce and have considered it for my son's 1 1/2 long biting habit.
It only works if the child acts up really bad or says something bad.
Call CPS. It's considered torture for the children.
Spanking is ok now and again on the botton. But that is abuse to me.
It's ridiculous that the variety of posts here are calling the use of hot sauce 'cruel' 'torture' and child abuse. IT'S HOT SAUCE!!!! If it were poured into a wound, I'd say that was cruel, but a little hot sauce on the tongue, COME ON! It's not pleasant, but hello, it's punishment it's not supposed to be pleasant. I'm not sure whether I would use it or not, although I know that it wouldn't work with my 2-year-old son. He likes spicy foods and has a high tolerance for pain. Spanking doesn't work with him either, though time-outs are beginning to. I think the method of punishment all depends upon the child, and every type of punishment is likely to have some sort of lasting effect on the child. With hot sauce, it would seem the lasting effect isn't much, since everyone's tastes change as they grow older anyways, it is not likely that a child would forever spurn hot sauce b/c he was punished with it.
For any punishment to work it must be consistent, and wholly different than positive reinforcement. In fact, for discipline to be effective at all, attachment parenting is the only way to go. It's a lot better to avoid the situation in the first place (say your kid acts up when kept up past 9pm...don't keep him past 9pm except musts on special occasions.) Parental control of the child's environment is THE most valuable discipline tool. It helps to teach the child self control. But as for the hot sauce being cruel? Absolutely not. It's just food, not a torture device! For the older child (7 and up) hot sauce works for the punishment to fit the crime. When a child misbehaves using their mouth (lying, cussing, biting) this gets them where the problem is. The amount needs to be extremely small, though. Like putting a tiny drop on a finger and then rubbing it on the tongue. Sure, there are lots of other ways to punish a child, so why not try them first? But for some kids this may be the only thing that works, and it's certainly not going to damage them permanently. If parents are afraid their child will choke, they shouldn't do it.
It is actually considered child abuse and even if it wasnt I couldnt use that form of punishment on my children because they love hot sauce and put it on all kinds of things ecspecialy roman noodles.
I believe it is a form of abuse and I would never do that to my children.
Physical child abuse is an injury resulting from physical aggression. Even if the injury was not intended, the act is considered physical abuse.
It can burn the child's esophagus and cause their tongue to swell. This can create a potential choking hazard.
The injury from physical child abuse may be the result of:
beating, slapping, or hitting
pushing, shaking, kicking, or throwing
pinching, biting, choking, or hair-pulling
burning with cigarettes, scalding water, or other hot objects
severe physical punishment
Is Physical Punishment the Same As Physical Abuse?
Physical abuse is an injury resulting from physical aggression. Physical punishment is the use of physical force with the intent of inflicting bodily pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control. As you can see, physical punishment can easily get out of control and become physical abuse.
Just because something works, that doesn't mean it's a good idea.....Fear can be very effective as a discipline technique, but it's overkill. You haven't corrected the problem, and it means nothing in terms of building character. Our job as parents is to build character, not to adjust behavior....The tongue doesn't do the lying, the heart does the lying. When you direct a form of discipline to a body part that created the problem, it's like in [other cultures] when they cut off your hand for stealing.';
I think your sister and sister-in-law are being evil and disrespectful to their children. They are abusing them and it needs to stop. They obviously are uneducated and don't care what can happen physically and emotionally to their children.
The term child abuse comes to mind.
Spanking is needed from time to time, but one or two swats on the butt is enough. Hot Sauce is just plain cruel and you know it.
After my youngest son picked up the habit of saying sh*t all the time at the age of 4 I used a drop of Tabasco on his tongue everytime he said it. After the 3rd time he quit saying it. He's 8 now and loves spicey foods. I thought it was by far better than using soap which was a favorite of my parents growing up. As much as I hated having Irish Spring ground into my teeth (I stopped doing whatever it was I got into trouble for after that), I wasn't about to do that to my kids. Soap may be non toxic, but it's just plain gross.
thats abuse
It is cruel. How can a mother intentionally cause her child pain???
That's not discipline, honey, that sounds like child abuse.
You should have a long talk with both of them. If that don't work, call child protecctive services for advice.
thats plain out child abuse and if i had your real name and address, i would have the law on your door step .
that is considered a form of child abuse in my mind. period.
that is abuse you need to report it she could be causing harm to the kids!!!!! go report her now!!!
I consider it cruel myself.
It depends upon how they are administering the punishment and how much hot sauce they are using...are they using the hottest stuff there is and pouring it down the child's throat? If so, then this is excessive abuse.
I remember a trick my Dad used to use on us kids (there were 4 of us) and I don't know how he did it, but he could always catch us in a lie. His trick was to tell us that if we told a lie, our tongue would burn and he'd know. He'd secretly put a drop of tabasco sauce on his middle finger, then ask us a soon as we answered the question we had to stick out our tongue and he'd touch it. If we told the truth - it didn't burn, but if we lied...oh man! We just didn't know that when we told the truth, Dad used his index finger and when we lied he used the finger with the tabasco sauce.
Needless to say, none of us are any the worse for that discipline...not like friends whose parents would beat them for lying or stealing or getting into trouble.
Most importantly, you should talk to your sister and let her know your concerns...
I agree with you, its crazy and cruel. There are so many other positive reinforcement ways to get your child to behave and follow rules.
I have herd of using it for biting but not anything major I think it could cause ulcers or something. It's wrong in my book just wrong!
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