Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How can I convince my parents to let me get an Airsoft rifle?

My mom doesn't really think its a good idea, but my dad might let met me get one since he was in the Air Force and is an expert marksman. My dad says he doesn't think I would intentionally shoot someone, but he is afraid I would point the gun at someone or accidentally shoot someone. I have told them I would buy it myself and I want an Airsoft rifle, not a BB gun, so it would break you skin if it hit you.How can I convince my parents to let me get an Airsoft rifle?
Tell your parents you will buy your air-soft gun.

Next you say it is not possible to kill anyone with even an air-soft gun over 450+ fps (feet per second).

After that tell them that you are buying goggles, mask or if you have goggle use them if your going to play with people so you dont lose an eye.

Tell your parents also if one incident happens you (your parents) can take my (your) gun away for ever.

Lastly, tell them you will aslo buy a case so when you are transporting it will not be seen (some people are crazy and will call the cops and the cops might take your gun away if you are like walking to your freinds house.

Instead of buying the case you can just get a big black garbage bag and transport in that.

Insure your parents that you will be very careful with the air-soft gun and you will not shoot anyone unless in an air-soft game when you will be wearing the proper protection.


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