Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How to tell my parents about the NWO and make them move out of this continent?

How can I tell my parents about The New World Order, the Illuminati, the wall street bankers that are controlling all the presidents, the FEMA camps built in the US and the upcoming Martial Law without sounding stupid and ridiculous?

If I tell them, I bet they'll think I'm nuts or something. It does seem nuts, but it's as real as it can get. How can I convince my parents to move out of North America and settle in Europe?How to tell my parents about the NWO and make them move out of this continent?
I'd start by telling them in stages. You might not want to tell them everything at once because it does sound crazy. But truth is often stranger than fiction as we are witnessing. I would definitely tell them, but have everything backed up by supporting evidence and facts. Print things you've researched (especially from credible websites) and let them look at it. Find news clips from mainstream media that discuss it. That's not hard to do since our world leaders openly admitted that world government is their goal just this past week. Gordon Brown even said at the G20 that ';a New World Order is emerging';.


Also, you could buy a copy of the Obama Deception and let them watch it.

Here's a good video on how Federal Reserve took control:


I also agree with Revsuzanne above me - Europe is not an escape.How to tell my parents about the NWO and make them move out of this continent?
You can point them to this very long video where he explains it all very eloquently, both for British and Americans:


Europe isn't an escape... that's the epicenter. Better luck in South America. I know people who moved to Columbia because their banks are very conservative and their government stays out of everyone's business.

About all you can do is buy silver and gold, and stock up ';Mormon style'; on basic foodstuffs... beans, rice, oats, canned and dried foods.

The grocery stores are not stocking as many lines as they used to, and they are letting the shelves go bare before restocking. Things are strange.

I noticed a while back that basic ammo has been hard to come by... the stores can't keep up with demand. The number of people taking the ';concealed carry'; handgun courses is at record numbers. The gunshows are going nuts... people are snapping up anything that will shoot at any price.

I put in a raised veggie garden... planning on adding to it.
THE WORLD IS EFFECT DUH! includeing Europe watch news not MTV and it cost MORE to out of country

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